messy sketches!

Welcome to my brain.  Check out this sexy cover of Welcome to the Jungle. And by sexy, I mean sad and ultra creepy.
I'm just gonna say that fitting 3 bodies in with some perspective made me a very happy girl.
One thing led to another.  This moment's escalation will be largely scrapped in favor of an improved version.

Something always comes up in the third week of a relationship.
Revealed torture and enslavement of someone that's had your back for years in the face of a shared demon antagonist.
Inner critic: good for a rough draft. lunge needs to be more dynamic/forced perspective. Must touch up on details and draw in more butchery.
sticky notes of failed attempt of protection, fall-out.  The lower right is the most rough, but best idea.

I don't always break free of the eye-to-eye Front-Side-3/4ths perspective, but when I do it's f*cking awesome.
She's a'ight in a fight sometimes.  Scanned this to (eventually) fix the pelican, get some wings looking rad when it shoots through her heart.
Authors talk to their characters.  Sometimes I draw it out.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one fighting to keep this relationship alive!" -shipping author.  haha
You've got to love these voluntary monologues tho-and look, we got a pic of him about to be a hell-fire bad ass.
:D  That's my jam!

This puzzle is to get back to this moment, despite the moral detour.  Without destroying the essence of their characters.  :P
Challenge accepted

Key is getting a big ol' encounter/intervention with his past.  But I don't think that alone will be enough to get the plot back on track.


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