
went to Cal-Ranch and got a horse whip.  Totally guessing on the type.  Went with this polyester thing that, I dunno, my guess is that for two meters it has a rod inside the woven rope, and then it just becomes rope.  But it's A very gradual, bendy thing.  with a white whip part on the tip.  Others were a rod, with attached rope.  With a toy tied at the end, my dog loves it.  It was a bit too long, so a hangman's noose seemed like a perfect way to shorten it up without cutting anything.


10 loops later, it might even be a little TOO short.  but I can adjust it.  It's surprisingly simple, with this handy dandy picture to guide me.  It doesn't tighten like a lasso, that is not something I was anticipating, and I think it will be great to get it off of his super tugged-upon toys post play.  For the test trial (just random knot tying-not an official lasso) it got so tight that I needed to undo the knot from the other side.

School starts on Tuesday.  :(  I think that I am well rested enough to start on a strong note, and with my new less-crap-food diet, go-on-a-long-block-walk-daily commitments (with the realization that imperfection is still way better than what I was doing) I think that I will stay healthy enough to have positive brain waves.  So I will be better able to choose maturity, and accept the work that my three main classes need.  That my dog needs.  Just be more capable.

I've forgiven myself pretty well for the burn out.  I was never very MAD, since I knew what it was, but I found some closure in realizing what lead up to it.

I will get my planner out, too those help.  (When I don't spend an hour planning out my day and changing priorities on the planner)  I want a school one so it tells me things I might miss.  I don't like the orange one as much as I thought that I would.  I should get what I'll use.

Book store visit tomorrow!  I can get the new planner then.  Which I am excited about.  :)8


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