touch capacitive blog

I was ill, so am behind.  But I wanted to post a link lest the discussion close while I finish up my dealio.  All pictures are on my phone, but rest assured, I have pictures.

So I knew right away that I wanted a sensor that would warn me that I was grinding my wrists into the desk again.  I just do that sometimes, especially in the DE classroom, their desk surface is quite shallow!  So, I grabbed some lights to do the typical cool color to red progression.  I was going to do both sleeves, then realized how horrible sewing all of the positive and negative lines twice as far would be.  So I decided to have one sleeve with lights, and doubled them up so that the progression could be across a larger spectrum.

I put the lights on felt, so that I would have more control on their placement, but mostly sewing would be easier on a strip than a sleeve!
I was so focused on color that I forgot about + /- orientation!  Hooray for tacking!
I tacked everything down with regular string, so that I would not be compelled to use the conductive thread that way.  As you can see, it's pretty messy on the back, fine for thread, BAD for 'wires'.

could focus on using conductive thread as just a wire

this time I broke up the sewing, so that it didn't make my back ache.

I also left a lot of extra thread to sew in my foil sensors.  Too much, but I wasn't sure if they needed to be super sewed in or not.  Thinking about it, 'not' is rather obvious, but whatever.

Then I realized I had better keep the led's flexible, because of the iron potentially damaging them when I applied the foil.  So I left extra thread by their + sides, letting my felt fold up yet.  After a couple I got lazy, and just left extra by the lily pad to tie the knots later.  It also saved my back some serious hunching damage.

Then class happened, and I guess that will be my next blog.


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