Oh, I don't know

I have wanted to start a blog, somewhere to post my cool thoughts, because facebook is too much of a cluster-****.  But what cool thoughts?  I'm under the impression that blogs need some TLC, but really, how much when I'm not trying to play for advertising cash?  Hm?  So yeah, I think I'll try to post some art when I make it, sort of muse about stuff.  But I want to check the legal matters first.  Srsly, though, my address is a word I made up for my pet story.  Derived from "imbricate."  
Arrange (scales, sepals, plates, etc.) so that they overlap like roof tiles.
(of scales, sepals, plates, etc.) Having adjacent edges overlapping

Of course, when you really love something, you let it go, so it can grow.  Can't do everything myself if I really want a graphic novel.  Still, it's a blur of personal dreams and trying to inject my experience into a narrative frame that an independent story can grow around and over.  "Something I would want to watch."  Invested in, that's it.  I just want to start making and posting, but am worried it would be stolen.  I think a few ideas are good.  So yeah, will check that out.  

Or just a journal.  

Ex) "I am learning some programming.  It's going super slow cuz I've never done it before and summer mornings are full of sleep.  This is my first fun thing morphed out of a lesson template:

// ConsoleApplication2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

# include <stdafx.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Hi Shannen!  Please Enter two numbers that you wish to add, then press Enter:" << std::endl;
int v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
std::cin >> v1 >> v2;
std::cout << "Good!  Now enter the number you want to multiply your summation with" << std::endl;
int v3 = 0;
std::cin >> v3;
std::cout << "the sum of " << v1 << " and " << v2 << " is " << v1 + v2 << ".  " << v1 + v2 << " times " << v3 << " is " << (v1 + v2) * v3 << ".  Go ahead and" << std::endl;
return 0;

yeah, it's pretty cute.  ^^ "

Exercise is going slow.  I biked to green canyon and wondered how many miles that was?  3?  5?  Been resting on my laurels.  Ashlyn and I biked to Lee's for some stuff, but it was not getting my heart rate very high.  We went to the zoo and that was great.  Oh, except I somehow dropped my blamned Plasma card.  I hope someone turns it in to the employees, it had like $30 on there.

Wish I was hanging out with J while doing this.  For some weird reason personal projects and boyfriend time are mutually exclusive.  I get having special date time, but I also just like being in the same room as him.

I'm stuck on Pokemon crystal at playr.org.  I don't know where to go.  Going to a web guide is obvious, but doesn't feel like an honest gaming experience right now... so just exploring.  My level 5 abra got its ass handed to it by a 13 zubat.  zenzensha~... or however that goes.

Also my hair looks flipping LEGIT.  haha!  ^^  Thanks, SWE, for indirectly getting me to straighten it.

yay blog!!!

P.S.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s3jwrpeehg  a good rhythm to christen my little piece of internet.  Goes with the current theme, I think!  :D        


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