It says "bye". Leafs!!! My tomatoes, and (worse!) Basil, have a yellow pallor. Internet says its either nutrients or fungus. Also calcium absorption seems to have very specific watering requirements= I'm using pots so confused how that applies. "One inch every three days" = wtf??? Also the sprinklers have been hitting my pots--not great for water regimen since I have no idea what their schedule is... Maybe I will put out a bucket to see, also spritz means the fungus is not ruled out.
At least I know the 8 things have been consistently moist. They were in little tiny seed planters, so shizy soil very possible. And since they have not improved in my potting solution from the nursery, I mixed some fertilizer.
Our rad tomatoes + 2 herbs
The largest pot is my Black Krim--I have a lot of hope for its flavor. As of 6/15 there are
two robust little 'maters on the way! |
yellow basil |
I don't know how to GET to the page with my Draft without publishing something. But some improvement.
Also, a week later, and Everything is looking great, even my basil. I dunno if it was a little burned or what. Need tomato food, though. Amazon has some, but I would rather just find it in a store provided the prices are comparable. I got slug copper tape and the pesticide that halley used on our devestated garden three years ago. Need a spay bottle. Plan was to bike to home depot. But it is super close to Craft Fair time. ****. At least I accomplished a contact sync. I need to hit the verizon store, move back to my old Motorolla while I figure out what to do about a replacement. (Don't want to lose Unlimited--do I go over 2 GB? NO! But it is the threat of unknown demands! well, I heard overages were not bad.... I should just let go. Like J let go of 64 GB for a 32 HTC One. Rotten paperwork stole the first away from him. Oh well, oh well.)
Future noms! :D It was in the 50's last night so I moved the plants to the much warmer garage. |
Basil is getting bushy-I took some bigger leaves for food yesterday, trying to trim from the insides where they compete more for light. To the Right is my bolting cilantro. Never got a chance to eat some: lame. They don't look much greener, but part of that is the lighting this morning. |
Whaaaaat? That's not a pepper! haha. |
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