Stress/Obsessed Drawing

I had a few ideas dump into my head today.  Why can't this ever happen during the weekend?  Weekend: "I could write." crickets chirp.  Weekdays with deadlines: "I have GOT to finish these questi-." "OMG!!! WHAT IF---?!  And then--- OH!  THEY CONNECT!  Get that dialogue down before you forget it and write something stupid and wooden!"

And then I got stressed.  Dr Nannen's Rx for stress: do that thing that you like.  Sure, yes, it's just doodling, you'll be right as rain real fast.


Dad was right.  You never really become an adult.  At least I don't.  :{

So, first off, I got this entire little dynamic with 3 baby-sitters/body guards, and one in particular had a very clear look in my head.  I got the gist of it down, I can't... weird 90's colors on a polyester jacket are kinda random and I can't hold that clear enough.  I bet I'm just remembering some stereotype side character I've seen before.  I'll worry more about that later.  I'm trying to just let things flow more like when I'm dreaming, since I dream epic sh*t.  So yes, my imagination gives zero fox about originality or copyright laws.  Basically, create now, edit myself later.  :P  I'm terrible about mixing the two activities and shutting myself down. 

Poor Man's Cowboy Bebop.  #hack #sorrynotsorry #I'msosorry
Microphone/compensation hair, lol.  Ah, but now I know who the skinny claw monster is, and that's cool.  PS, I don't know how to draw a switch blade, so I guessed (looks like pruning shears) and then just wrote the word.  F it.  They were a tack-on, anyway.  I wonder what kind of weapon he'd have in this form?  "gun" didn't seem to fit, as he basically turns into a skeletal Edward Scissor Hands.  Or like, Guardians of Gahool claw-hands?  Anyway, why go from long range to not?  On the other hand, people ought to have options, why not be a quick shooter before turning into some speedy Terminator?   It just doesn't seem right.  I'm probably channeling that history lesson of action movies more than getting a specific character vibe, though.

Moving on.  I got bored with doodles and tried drawing another "key moment" that the three baby-sitters create when they fail and the one pisses off their boss with some sass.   This is such an anime trope, it's almost enough to make me barf a little.  But I plan on subverting it.  Even more than the-you know-dubious company and blood on Sweet Peacemaking Girl.  (That's not HER blood.)

That awkward moment when your boss is ripping your arm up, but you can't fight back...
I am still not good at drawing blood splatter.  That could be anything on her cheek/in her hair.  :P  Oh well, we'll get there.  Or just use a Manga studio pen.  I spent too much time guessing on the wolf jaws, instead of just busting out google, like I did on the lower one.  (I also went back and erased a lot of stuff to re-draw it....  Trying to prove to myself I could do it solo.  Well, kinda... but weirdly wrong.)

I think both need to be re-drawn, at least the first one.  Too stiff, bad angle, wounds are weak.  etc.  But hey, it's a start!  Second one is okay, but a more buried face in fur would be better.


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