My first sewn circuit

Bread boards are rough, but better than finding out that you soldered two or more resistors in the wrong pattern.  I'd rather melt off some weird metal than stitch over and over again by hand.  *shudder*
Well, too bad!

(Felt + LEDs + weird paper-sounding thread)^monotony = 1 bracelet.

I got a late start.  I was a little distracted by my computer, that had coughed this at me.
*horror!*  well, I got it happy again.  Finally fixed my two-day problem, actually, and everyone had already started cutting their chosen felts.  Alright, that's dramatic, there were a few stragglers with me.
My card had a green LED, and when drawing was the activity, I wanted to do a cat, but only had one LED eye.  This time, I'd do it right.  A new roommate had put cartoon owl magnets on our fridge the day before, and I thought "I can make a cute bracelet for my owl-obsessed friend.  Or me.  Friend or me; I have all semester to decide."  So those were my glowy eyes.  but it needed three lights.  Firefly, DUH.
Just like in one of my favorite childhood books, Sam and the Firefly. (I had to Google that name.)  Firefly was basically the Bartamaeus to my 5 year old self.  An outlet for forbidden mischief desires.  :)
Sam and the Firefly 
Color was important to pick, especially since I could tell I was probably going to run out of time.  So that took a few minutes.  I wanted it to be something I will be pleased to have lying around in perpetuity.
Then, I googled "cartoon owls" because it's FELT, plus I wanted it to be cute.

Drawing the owl on paper worked out the first time, but I realized the LED's were gonna be crazy huge eyes, (I stabbed them in place through the paper head.)  So I traced/outlined around the original body again.
I was finally ready to cut!  go!  These baby scissors are awesome, btw.

The cutting basically took all of class time.  Lanetta had her butterflies glowing next to me, as did a few others.  I can see a potential problem with this class.  Already being over-ambitious & taking too long.  I thought it was time to go, but half the class was still working, so I decided to keep at it.
Not sure what to tackle first, I started with the eyes.
This would have been an excellent time to make sure my LED's worked.  I did not.  Got the needle nose pliers and bent the crap out of them!

Adorable guy.  The green was a last minute decision, really makes it all pop.

I got wildly sick of trying to situate the LEDs' angles with a loose beak.  Took care of the wings as well.

Those feet were then lost in my packing.  nbd, I figured it would happen and packed extra yellow.

At this point I had to go home and hope everything worked once I got it together.  Curious and afraid of procrastinating to death, I decided to neglect homework and finish it.  Found some generic thread in my sewing machine compartment for pinning down the other decorations subtly.  I did not pick all of the right colors in that embroidery stuff at all.

I got fed up with more felt being less than sticky, so borrowed some pins.  ahhhhhhhh!
After a bit of debate, decided to go with a simple moon, since a ginormous firefly would detract from the overall design.  And I no longer cared to draw little "flying lines" with the embroidery thread.  at all.
*Note my clever flattening of the LED to encourage the felt to stay round and respectable looking.

I think I sewed it well.  was careful about tension, drew a little circuit "plan" and stuck to it.  Made sure the eyes were both oriented in the same direction before sewing them under the beak.  even followed the swirlies.
Looking hot, my friend.  Very hot.
Put my snaps in the right area/side...  Such anticipation!


And only the moon works.
go figure!  1, that totes means that my parallel string is working as it should 2, the all share the same + thread, but not (-).  ...Maybe that under-the-beak area wasn't good enough.  so RESEWED IT!
didn't work.  :P  At this point my back was aching, and I was DONE for a good couple of days.

It's sketchy, maybe I can get it resolved tomorrow.  Hope I don't lose a bunch of points over it.



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