Possession Rough Draft__65% complete!

I'm so fond of this concept that dropped in my head, i had to draw it to figuratively walk around and get a good look at its points for expansion.  And oh, it has points.  (I mean, come on--gods waking up after 600 years has to be pretty epic!)

I'm thinking it ought to cut back and forth between serenity and warrior goddesses action.  But maybe a longer pause is fine, with the post-breach explosion developments being punctuated instead.  (I did not draw that far.)
In my head, I have already remapped some things before Izumi is lost in the forest of her own soul, and bumps into the devious undead god. But the pictures are not updated, so just take that all with a grain of salt a little bigger than the rest.  (He is looking terrifically fresh in his element.  ... The human heart.)
The Frija duo is a cool development, but the pacing is drastically altered from an angry goddess shoving an artifact into Izumi's heart.  That, with only one or 3 spoken lines.  Now it's two characters that superseded that original lesser kami like an agent in The Matrix.  So that's the main source of imbalance for me. Making that part of events make enough sense without slowing down the fusing process to seem silly.  "Now just wait there and take this!"  I also think I'd prefer a hand-spinner vs a big wheel.  The portability makes more sense.

(I think it's important to know that I drew the first pic with Izumi and Odin listening to creepy music, imagining how the predator would see her, and then expanded it into tackling my text draft while first listening to this song. 
I guess I'll have to find a visual way to get that super creepy predator aspect contrasting with the innocuous, and relatively wholesome forest environment and preteen little girl--a freshly minted letumen Exorcist, to boot!  But y'all can share the experience here in Blogger.)


This is good as a lyric-to-situation overlay:

But the following is, for tone, my favorite. Because I think that FULSHA was somewhat kind enough to use "kid gloves" and slyness to get his way rather than brute force.  (He'll be meaner when she is older, puts up more of a fight, and they are both frustrated with the other.)  For now, just an ambivalent disregard for anyone either in the gods' way or that they can use.

(It takes me a long time to draw.)

Anyway, let the pictures begin!

[Missing the hailing moment.  "Oy!  Hello!" or the like.]

lazy phone sketch with an appropriate background!

lifted some lyrics from mr. kitty's song Scars.  I'll need to check how intense lyric citing needs to be. 
I think sprinkling them all over would make fun easter eggs.

This bottom picture is my fav.  Also her ribbon tugging. 
This girl's fidgeting is so adorable.

A little nod to monogamy and men owning women's sexuality.
Seed of Izumi's identity conflict about NOT being a "cheater!"

the parenthesis in the top are author's notes.  Not spoken! 
And heh, I like how he talks about it like he wasn't a key player.
Having trouble showing a pause. How's the sense of scrutinizing? 
(I'd like to cut out to Tuyen running up to the temple and being in Desperate Hero Mode.
Let audience get a sense of what's going on/at stake with her answer, then the pause.)
I'll want the "sure!" white space to be in the top corner of a turned page,
with the explosion taking up a detailed spread.  It's KIND of a big deal.

FYI, human sacrifices to Odin were generally hung... and speared. 
So, storing his caught souls that way makes sense to me!

 *end*  This is a bit... meh.  I don't like the horse, nor do I like the panel I drew in below.  Just trees seems best. Show the rune etched in the ground in the return-to-meditation-space panel following explosion action stuff.  Like Odzumi taking their first breath in a long, long time.

  This song also fits pretty darn well.  Pacing lends well to post-heart breach.  He's about to beat back the Aesir attacking his wife, and go stirring up the exterior conflict into a War while hunting for Sparks.  And Izumi will start to catch on to the fact that she's caught in an illusion, making control flip back and forth. 
So I guess I'll just need to write my school paper and then draw more!  (I still stink at drawing bodies being flung and twisting about with extreme angles... we'll get there!  Or hire someone someday, lol.)


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