Channeling bleach

I tried that.  Most pleased with the face in second panel.
For some scant reference, I'm thinking about a fight that happens with team Izumi-Clayton vs Cain.  They are basically meeting him for the first time.  They have some serious baggage going into it, with Izumi murderously pissed off at Clayton, having tried to break their contract unsuccessfully when she got her feelings STABBED IN THE BACK.

Cain has the singular ability to cut relationships.  And he's learned how to turn allies on each other and watch the slaughter. "It's enough that they no longer see someone as "human.""

Clayton is just as stubbornly holding on as ever, but Cain just cuts Izumi's regard towards him.  She quickly starts attacking him like he's a big spider.  sticks with her repertoire up to this point, vs opening up with her full potential.  (There is also a sub text that cain is arguing that necromancy isn't immoral, it is right in line with human nature.  Wholesomeness is a lie that people perpetuate for face, even for phantoms etched in their subconscious.  "If you are your true self alone, just wait until I cut them out of your mind.")  Nothing more brutal than a woman who finally snaps.

I thought it would be cool if, in spite of getting spanked/betrayed by his partner, he still looks out for her.  It's half sweet and nice, half: you never acknowledge me, ya arrogant prick.  I'd wanted to draw her shoving him, but it didn't really fit his monologue.  The semi-joke is also that he didn't care if she was made into a killer (who hates him), but suddenly he has a problem with other parts of her being targeted.

Basically, to win he has to impress her all over again.  I don't know if his personality lucks him into it or he is cunning.  But I also think I'll have a humorous bit at the very end, about them being able to switch back to allies, by saying "We fight all the time anyway!"  Because, omg, they DO.

These three songs played on my bike home last night, which was superbly windy, and COLD!  I could hardly breath.  Low pressure I recon, which reminds me that the air is going crazy in a fight between magic and death.  Anyway, it changed how I thought it might unfold.

Ps, he's focusing on Izumi because she cannot invalidate his Darkside blades with a well-timed spell like Clayton can.  It's not jealousy or anything.  If he's feeling anything towards her right now, it is the resentment and malice he has for Exorcists and the arcana all rolled into one.  Dear Reader only sees our heroes fighting a very strong necromancer that possess one of her cards.


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