I'm just gonna say that fitting 3 bodies in with some perspective made me a very happy girl.
One thing led to another. This moment's escalation will be largely scrapped in favor of an improved version.
Something always comes up in the third week of a relationship.
Revealed torture and enslavement of someone that's had your back for years in the face of a shared demon antagonist.
Inner critic: good for a rough draft. lunge needs to be more dynamic/forced perspective. Must touch up on details and draw in more butchery.
sticky notes of failed attempt of protection, fall-out. The lower right is the most rough, but best idea.
I don't always break free of the eye-to-eye Front-Side-3/4ths perspective, but when I do it's f*cking awesome.
She's a'ight in a fight sometimes. Scanned this to (eventually) fix the pelican, get some wings looking rad when it shoots through her heart.
Authors talk to their characters. Sometimes I draw it out.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one fighting to keep this relationship alive!" -shipping author. haha
You've got to love these voluntary monologues tho-and look, we got a pic of him about to be a hell-fire bad ass.
:D That's my jam!
This puzzle is to get back to this moment, despite the moral detour. Without destroying the essence of their characters. :P
Challenge accepted
Key is getting a big ol' encounter/intervention with his past. But I don't think that alone will be enough to get the plot back on track.
I knotted up the + LED and LilyPad port connections before class. All of my leds turned on, and are sitting there, on. :/ my program is so simple, it is flawless! (apparently not.) But I know that, last week, with one alligator clip, I totes got different readings on my lovely, crunch sensors (they are inside the sleeves). maybe it is a mis-sew on my circuit. that could be a problem later. Straightened it out, still solid LEDs. In case things were touching that ought not to be, I put on my sweater. The only times the lights go OFF is when they are pressed on the foil beneath them. As discovered by my curious work partner. Pressed... hmmmm. Well, never mind that now! *POP* across my shoulders. well, that's not good. I ripped my left sleeve line trying to stretch it out to tighten, just in case that first pop wasn't a rip. They sounded similar. LED's still on. I updated my sketch/pro...
phew! ordered some reflective suspenders and "ankle straps" for my final project. This should be the end of my purchases, I will have all of the framework. Approximately $60 out of pocket, and I was able to use a $40 in-class budget. (I mean, I would have saved 25 just being able to scavenge the controller from an old class project, but she wants a giant show-and-tell at the end of the semester. And I did go fancy with the leds. Just didn't think suspenders would cost 17! psshhhhh! But materials to make my own crusty ones would cost about the same, and take a lotta time.) Which goes for the arm bands. Buy velcro, elastic, reflective tape (okay, that was optional), find a sewing machine, hope it doesn't fall apart or otherwise suck. Knit some? I did not see them sticking to my arm very well, and it would be closed loops to pull up. I guess... how would one attach velcro to a knit swatch? But the TIME. ...
I decided to go with security in the final hour, and link my blog to the class discussion. "Online Anonymity" will potentially go out the window. Rather threatening. But I comfort myself with this: no one CARES enough to follow a link these days. Only the teacher will see it. Maybe 1 or 2 curious and most likely kind souls. nbd. well, I'm falling asleep sitting up again. :/ can I just text in to work sick NOW. Save myself the threat of all those nasty viruses and SLEEP? Finishing the blog that has been weighing on my mind is a great relief, though. ish. still have to fix the darn bracelet. I want to get my sewing machine repaired, then bowshit like all that hand sewing would be a thing of the past. "tacking" instead of actual... *shudder* consistency. Would not want to hook up silver thread to sewing machine, though. To 'spensive I bet. But for the regular sewing bits, yeah. I actuall...
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