$60 Mocha

It's started to be rainy and I wasn't in the mood to hold Jorah under an umbrella, stuck to him as he stifles up to poles and trees. To the soccer fields we go!  I walk with umbrella, Jory can be off leash.  This ask went very well until it was time to go home.  He was next to me, I was trying not to step on worms, and then he was missing.
Turns out he was standing behind a garbage, eating from the grass what appeared to be peanut-butter-coffee-chocolate no bake cookies.  Or the poop of something that ate it.  I was very displeased that he slunk back to what I had told him to leave alone!   Mostly that I forgot it was there and let him. 
I inspected the small remnants, and we went to the car.  I left him in the car, dressed for work quick, grabbed his blanket and a toy, and to the vet we went.  They are across town now, so we got there about a half hour after his illicit noms.
I left them with my dog and number, and headed to work.  When they didn't call me for a couple hours I started to get worried.
So I called them at lunch, Jory was very agreeable, and was great when they gave him the hydrogen peroxide.  Only it didn't make him throw up.  Of all the times for his stomach to be tough!  So then he was a trooper when they gave him charcoal.  She said that he was being held for monitoring, and looked good: he was just hanging out, very chill.  That's my boy.  :)

It was nice to know he was with other people getting attention while I worked.  I was a lot less distracted after the update, too.  This is appropriate for the choice before me: I wasn't sure how comfortable I was with leaving him with the herding trainer a few days a week to accelerate his learning.  But this was nice, knowing he wasn't alone, crate time punctuated by doting vet techs.  Shauna isn't doting, but sheep are better.

He was happy when he saw me, and has slipped right into his after work routine.  :)  we walked twice to get the tainted pee out, and he pooed out the evil cookie turd and later charcoal.  Now we just have to rinse him out with lots of water and more walks.


You can tell he had a crazy day because he is more sleepy than normal.  But he was very playful for a while, so I think that he will be okay!


Yesterday we went on a hike up the mountain, and I got a bunch of really good pictures!  He was extra alert, it may have been the after effects of the rain.  Smells and sounds were different.  And here they are!


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