
My fish died a terrible death.  His body was decaying around him.  I tried to fix it with meds, nothing worked.  He didn't want to die.  He was the fighter-ness fish I ever saw.  No giving up.  Even with a huge lesion on his side, blinded eyes, rotting fins, and failing organs, he was swimming almost like normal, responding to my presence near the quarantine tank. 
Slim's two day health plunge was the most fucked up thing I've seen all year.  It hit me hard in the feels.  I feel responsible, because his little life was my responsibility when I bought him.  I put him in a nice big tank to explore--where he tore his fins.  I left him in that nice big tank (a bit remodeled), thinking they were healing beautifully.  And bam.  Ugh, it sucks. 

At least I learned some things.  Like how the melafix I was treating him with is for gram positive bacteria, and could not touch the gram negative bacteria destroying his body.  Whatever that all is.


He had one of these two mentioned infections:

"However Aquatronics and myself have found that Nitrofurazone combines well with Kanamycin (which is skin absorbing), and is very complimentary to each other as wells since Nitrofurazone is often better topically for Aeromonas while Kanamycin is generally more effective for Columnaris, and since these bacterial infections are often hard to differentiate by the average aquarist, this can be a good combination when unsure."



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