Things to do, ITLS final-centric
Things to do:
Thermo Beautiful Homework
CS Tic-tac-toe program
><><><>< (for this project)
Get suspenders to anchor leds, and arm bands to guide/anchor wire.
Knit four resistive swatches,
4 ....................................(am I knitting these right? I am going 6 across and long. Should it be 18 across and short? Like, how are the resistive properties directionally? I have no multimeter! I can never remember the industry term for the directions.) I feel like the way I am doing it would supply more resistance?
Research that question before knitting any more. "46 ohms per foot across the rows (stretchier direction) and 460 ohms per foot across the columns (less stretchy direction)" Well, my long way is the stretchy direction... looks like I AM knitting them wrong! psh! (since, greater resistance would imply greater variation depending on where it is touched... hmmm!) Well, at least I didn't cut the second one off yet. I can pull it and restart. maybe I should just bring them tomorrow when Jaren is recovering and ask to use a multimeter then. don't cut or undo anything yet. hm.
find drumming gloves, Will the lilypad fit on the top of the hand? could maybe put it on an arm band, but that it much more sewing and loose thread/wires that could snap. Would need a fabric bridge.
attach (sew) swatches to R or L glove.
+attach a conductive fabric section to end of thumb
**multimeter test swatches**
Study 'capacitive touch' code, alter for swatches (there will be a switch statement or something with the 4 fingers.)
+need to find out how resistors and +/-/A wires should be arranged:
email Debbie or just go to town with alligator clips-->requires getting them out of Hippo.
Study how to program neopixel strings, add to class discussion.
+parse together something for turn signals. (half on, blinking)
Study speaker code/circuits. Choose a 2 or 3-tone melody. Definitely the lower priority vs leds, and >1 speaker is lowest priority.
+Do I have the voltage or current for lights *and* speakers? They will rarely be on at the same time.
-look up the resistance/inch of the ribbon, etc
once I have stuff, measuring arms, placement of bands with some deviation built in ("courtesy loops" in the ribbon) and sewing to the glove-band-band-suspender will be paramount. Start with just the back turn signal and add the front once that is working. Then add the speakers after the front is working/given up on. Putting them on the shoulders or arm bands structurally sounds good but getting separate wires to them= ehhh. Might have enough ribbon left over to send a second line from glove to first arm band.
Get the glove patches and initial circuit ready for wednesday. Draw & scan a few circuit options to email debbie asking which one is correct... by monday night (so I can get a reply and sew them! sans resistors. keep spaces for those by the palm, not on fingers. Might be able to buy some on the cheap in SER.
Work on feed-back code tues.
><><><>< (for this project)
Knit four resistive swatches,
4 ....................................(am I knitting these right? I am going 6 across and long. Should it be 18 across and short? Like, how are the resistive properties directionally? I have no multimeter! I can never remember the industry term for the directions.) I feel like the way I am doing it would supply more resistance?
Research that question before knitting any more. "46 ohms per foot across the rows (stretchier direction) and 460 ohms per foot across the columns (less stretchy direction)" Well, my long way is the stretchy direction... looks like I AM knitting them wrong! psh! (since, greater resistance would imply greater variation depending on where it is touched... hmmm!) Well, at least I didn't cut the second one off yet. I can pull it and restart. maybe I should just bring them tomorrow when Jaren is recovering and ask to use a multimeter then. don't cut or undo anything yet. hm.
find drumming gloves, Will the lilypad fit on the top of the hand? could maybe put it on an arm band, but that it much more sewing and loose thread/wires that could snap. Would need a fabric bridge.
attach (sew) swatches to R or L glove.
+attach a conductive fabric section to end of thumb
**multimeter test swatches**
Study 'capacitive touch' code, alter for swatches (there will be a switch statement or something with the 4 fingers.)
+need to find out how resistors and +/-/A wires should be arranged:
email Debbie or just go to town with alligator clips-->requires getting them out of Hippo.
Study how to program neopixel strings, add to class discussion.
+parse together something for turn signals. (half on, blinking)
Study speaker code/circuits. Choose a 2 or 3-tone melody. Definitely the lower priority vs leds, and >1 speaker is lowest priority.
+Do I have the voltage or current for lights *and* speakers? They will rarely be on at the same time.
-look up the resistance/inch of the ribbon, etc
once I have stuff, measuring arms, placement of bands with some deviation built in ("courtesy loops" in the ribbon) and sewing to the glove-band-band-suspender will be paramount. Start with just the back turn signal and add the front once that is working. Then add the speakers after the front is working/given up on. Putting them on the shoulders or arm bands structurally sounds good but getting separate wires to them= ehhh. Might have enough ribbon left over to send a second line from glove to first arm band.
Get the glove patches and initial circuit ready for wednesday. Draw & scan a few circuit options to email debbie asking which one is correct... by monday night (so I can get a reply and sew them! sans resistors. keep spaces for those by the palm, not on fingers. Might be able to buy some on the cheap in SER.
Work on feed-back code tues. doesn't just say what is what, but mentioned that stretching in both directions seems to yield a similar result. Rather wish I had enough yarn to experiment with different patterns, but I am borrowing it and can tell the spool is running low.