
I loved that "Japanese" Black Trefele thingy...  num!  I saved some seeds but hardly in a pro manner, so think I will get some peat pots and try starting them, maybe buy some on amazon just to be safe.
(Love it, sure, but not the same as what I was shooting for.  And like one person said, salt was not only unnecessary, it was sort of a bad idea.  Still drawn to the option of those amazing, delicious when salted and raw 'maters.)

That other black one I got was NOT impressive.  I would need to look at my post to get the names now.  Yay blog archives!

I am still looking for that cherry tomato flavor that haunts my memories.  The yellow things everyone raved about were not good in my book.  The only time I liked them was when sliced on top of a pre-cooked pizza, and, hey, it doesn't take much to be better than corporate sauce in a can.

so I looked around, found some good sites.  But alas, growing conditions change the game by a LOT!  also... I would not know HOW to describe what I want.  "It was the most distilled tomato flavor that exploded in my mouth.  Changed my entire perception about the fruit."  "Good, good.  could you describe "tomato flavor"?"  (:[ !  Well... *breaks things*  "&*% YOU!  #!@#%*&$^!!!!"

really though, someone on an awesome site I shall link said that, like, "old fashioned tomato flavor" is this 50-50 ratio of acid and sweet.  I don't know if what I call "tomato" is "old fashioned".  It might be worth a try.  I should have gone to the farmers market last august to sample more varieties than the ones I got limping along in their pots.  Oh well, if all goes well, I will have a few other years to find what I like.

My best bet is to get one of those containers of california salad tomatoes, and read (or call/email asking) what variety they use.  Could be hybrid.  pro---bably worth it, I'm not a stinge' or anything.  But depending on if any of my saved seeds grow, I may be hooked on the h...h...heirloom thing.

The most perfect article for my dillema in the history of ever.  I pat myself on the back for knowing what phrase to enter into google.
  • Thessaloniki — prolific crack-free heirloom with a meaty, classic flavor; sometimes considered “earthy flavor”
    This was listed under red tomatoes, there were a few others.  The one I loved was red, so maybe I should try this.  That said, it was a cherry, so maybe I should look for something sweeter.  But Audrey's momma-'maters from home were big and delicious, so these could still be worth looking into.  Anything that says "earthy flavor" perks my ears up!

People on a forum said that this is great, and one even said "wife likes those yellow types, I'm into THESE."  Well good!  Because I think they are highly over-rated.  (Maybe it was local conditions!  Yet my roommate was a huge fan.)

That forum:
I typed that from looking at my phone, might not work but it's something close.

someone said this person may give out free plants.  Didn't see much, but eh.  Prolly depends on location.

Get the scoop on plant-selling sites here!

this might be interesting...  probably more expensive than is worth right now.


JULIETTomato Seeds

60 days

Deep red, shiny 2 inch oblong, mini-roma type tomatoes in large clusters of 12-18 fruits. Their flavor is rich and delicious. We love them in salads but they are also excellent for pasta sauces and salsas. Very disease resistant and easy to grow. Indeterminate vines. An All-America Selections Winner. Highly recommended.


Compact plants frequently recommended as gently cascading vines in hanging baskets. 'Rambling Red Stripe' is super vigorous, it is better grown inside cages in very large containers or in the vegetable garden. Each highly disease resistant determinate plant produces up to 400 red-streaked, cherry-size fruits, with outstanding old-fashioned flavor.


(OP) 65 days

Vigorous, indeterminate 6 foot vines produce bite-sized, very sweet red tomatoes in clusters of 6-12 fruits all summer long.

BLACK CHERRYCherry Tomato Seeds

(OP) 68 days

An outstanding rich-flavored round mahogany colored cherry tomato produced with great freedom on vigorous, tall indeterminate vines.

SUPER SWEET 100Cherry Tomato Seeds

65 days

An improved Sweet 100 with better sugar/acid balance, increased disease resistance and less susceptibility to cracking. Long clusters can carry up to 100 fruits each and are very high in Vitamin C. Vigorous, high yielding indeterminate vines.


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