Channeling bleach

I tried that. Most pleased with the face in second panel. For some scant reference, I'm thinking about a fight that happens with team Izumi-Clayton vs Cain. They are basically meeting him for the first time. They have some serious baggage going into it, with Izumi murderously pissed off at Clayton, having tried to break their contract unsuccessfully when she got her feelings STABBED IN THE BACK. Cain has the singular ability to cut relationships. And he's learned how to turn allies on each other and watch the slaughter. "It's enough that they no longer see someone as "human."" Clayton is just as stubbornly holding on as ever, but Cain just cuts Izumi's regard towards him. She quickly starts attacking him like he's a big spider. sticks with her repertoire up to this point, vs opening up with her full potential. (There is also a sub text that cain is arguing that necromancy isn't immoral, it is right in line with human nature. Wholes...