
Showing posts from May, 2017

Editing dialogue after drawing a picture is not so bad

Do I have before photos?  NO!  I was unhappy with it, WHY would I take a  photo? Anyway, this is mostly to share with sis. I am frustrated that so far all I've really drawn is talking.  Or worse: thinking.  BORING.  Yet obviously not to me.  But at least I realized that I can have my stupid words puttering along with the picture telling a second story. I need to get some sick outer conflict going on to spice this ish up with. And then take this OBVIOUS so-and-so-thinks this monologue and only pepper the (much more interesting) future scenes with allusions to the ideas. But this is what I have for now.  A reasonable rough draft. Oh, and I hated with a capital H the original thinking lines.  (I just drew/wrote that part, vs  the conversation, which was already typed and somewhat edited in my jotterpad app.)  So I did a complete re-haul.  Cut out a pic that didn't even fit anymore, and changed his face and hands in the ...

messy sketches!

Welcome to my brain.  Check out this sexy cover of Welcome to the Jungle. And by sexy, I mean sad and ultra creepy. I'm just gonna say that fitting 3 bodies in with some perspective made me a very happy girl. One thing led to another.  This moment's escalation will be largely scrapped in favor of an improved version. Something always comes up in the third week of a relationship. Revealed torture and enslavement of someone that's had your back for years in the face of a shared demon antagonist. Inner critic: good for a rough draft. lunge needs to be more dynamic/forced perspective. Must touch up on details and draw in more butchery. sticky notes of failed attempt of protection, fall-out.  The lower right is the most rough, but best idea. I don't always break free of the eye-to-eye Front-Side-3/4ths perspective, but when I do it's f*cking awesome. She's a'ight in a fight sometimes.  Scanned this to (eventually) fix the pelican, get ...