
Showing posts from April, 2014


Didn't look at when the blog was due, I assumed it would be with the project. I have the resistive swatches sewed on, working on connecting them to my lilypad.  Rather difficult not to have cross-over from the A's and +... maybe I should have rotated the thing.  too late now. I got the 1/4 neopixel soldered.  without a separate power source (ugh, read product descriptions, people) I am playing it safe by only using one of the 4 pieces I bought.  They are impressively bright, for wanting 5 V and only getting 3.3V.  Anyway, I soldered on some wires to curl and sew around: for the circuit as well as simply anchoring it a little better.  Had two of them snap on me already.  not ideal. Janell's man has been very helpful concerning programming, and the specific circuit of my glove.  He figured out a clever way to have each finger addressed by a different A pin, and two states depending on where on the swatch is touched. Oh yeah, I sewed on ...

Things to do, ITLS final-centric

Things to do: Thermo Beautiful Homework CS Tic-tac-toe program ><><><>< (for this project) Get suspenders to anchor leds, and arm bands to guide/anchor wire. Knit four resistive swatches, 1 2 3 4   ....................................(am I knitting these right?  I am going 6 across and long.  Should it be 18 across and short?  Like, how are the resistive properties directionally?  I have no multimeter!  I can never remember the industry term for the directions.)  I feel like the way I am doing it would supply more resistance? Research that question before knitting any more.  " 46 ohms per foot across the rows (stretchier direction) and 460 ohms per foot across the columns (less stretchy direction)"   Well, my long way is the stretchy direction... looks like I AM knitting them wrong!  psh!  (since, greater resistance would imply greater variation depending on where it is touched...  hmmm!) ...

Final Project Ratchets up Budget.

phew!  ordered some reflective suspenders and "ankle straps" for my final project.  This should be the end of my purchases, I will have all of the framework.  Approximately $60 out of pocket, and I was able to use a $40 in-class budget.  (I mean, I would have saved 25 just being able to scavenge the controller from an old class project, but she wants a giant show-and-tell at the end of the semester.  And I did go fancy with the leds.  Just didn't think suspenders would cost 17!  psshhhhh!  But materials to make my own crusty ones would cost about the same, and take a lotta time.)  Which goes for the arm bands.  Buy velcro, elastic, reflective tape (okay, that was optional), find a sewing machine, hope it doesn't fall apart or otherwise suck.  Knit some?  I did not see them sticking to my arm very well, and it would be closed loops to pull up.  I guess... how would one attach velcro to a knit swatch?  But the TIME. ...