Touch and react blog 2

I thought of a dragging dog, and how i could use a knitted resistance-range sensor that pulls it. Well, I'm not butching a real draggy dog toy, and didn't have time to make one. Sooo, stroke sensor with a soft stuffed animal. DI, here I come! I got a cutie. Almost didn't want to ruin him by cutting and pulling out his insides. "Well, why don't you go get another, crappier animal and use that?" "because. Two stuffed animals would be... too many." "Not really!" A male saying this...?! "Why?" "You've hugged it, like, ten different times just since we left the restaurant." :[ ! But I can DO THIS! so I did. Ran out of time to go to DI again anyway. Confidence! such a lovable face! *clears throat* Anyway, I decided that cutting his bottom open would be the least ugly-ifying. lets have the stroke sensors where you hold him, thought I. also this was gonna look...