
Showing posts from March, 2015

No fear!

So I looked into it a little, and looks like it would be "safe" to start an original webcomic.  That's what the imbrus was about, so yeah!  Back to that. Imbrus is a little word I made up from imbricate.  In my fantasy it is the mesh that secures your spirit to your flesh and keeps ethereal predators out.  The strength of it is proportional to one's vitality.  The scale connotation is related to an either bird or snake familiar arising from certain shaman-esque mages' hearts and shadows. © [Shannen] [2008] All Rights Reserved No part of this webcomic/webbook or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author, unless otherwise indicated for stand-alone materials. You may share this website by any of the following means: 1. Using any of the share icons at the bottom of each page (Google Mail, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, GoogleBuzz); 2. Providing a back-link or the URL of the content yo...


Some things belong in a physical journal, or at least in a blog attached to an email that has zip to do with my name. I'm going to re-haul this little domain, but keep the old-old posts that are innocuous, since some of my ITLS stuff might be of greater interest to the world than other things, and other posts are just... why try porting, with the pictures?  Suddenly those text-only blogs were the best blogs.  haha.